ショップ・サービス・レストランShops, service businesses, and restaurants
  1. 従業員のマスクの着用
  2. 従業員の体調管理の徹底出勤前の検温、手洗い・消毒等を徹底いたします。
  3. 手指消毒のご案内店頭・店内に消毒液を設置しご案内いたします。
  4. フィジカルディスタンスの確保行列が発生する場合は目印ライン等にて
  5. 定期的な開放及び換気の実施
  6. 定期的な消毒・清掃活動店内の各種什器・備品等々の定期的な
  7. レジへのコイントレイ設置金銭授受にコイントレイを使用し
  8. レジ端末等の消毒定期的な消毒(拭き取り)を行います。
  9. 閉店後の消毒作業毎日閉店後お客様・従業員が使用した
  1. Employees wear masks
  2. Thorough management of employee physical conditionEmployees will conscientiously perform temperature checks, hand washing, and disinfection before going to work.
  3. Encourage hand disinfectionWe will encourage disinfection by installing disinfectant dispensers at the store entrance and inside the store.
  4. Staff maintain a safe physical distanceIn situations where customers need to stand in line, floor markers are provided to ensure that customers maintain a safe distance.
  5. Business/shop areas are periodically cleared out and ventilated
  6. Regular disinfection and cleaning carried outThe fixtures, amenities and other facilities in our shops are periodically disinfected (wiped) and cleaned.
  7. Coin trays provided at the cash registerCoin trays are used to prevent direct contact between the customer and the staff of each shop when handling money.
  8. Disinfection of cashier terminalsRegular disinfection (wiping) is performed.
  9. Disinfection after closing timeOverall cleaning is carried out in each area used by employees and customers after closing time.
ショップ ・サービスShops and service-oriented businesses
  1. 入店制限店舗内が混雑しそうな場合は入店制限を行います。
  2. フィッティングルーム・個室の消毒お客様使用後毎に消毒を行います。
  1. Entry restrictionsEntry restrictions are applied when the store is likely to be crowded.
  2. Disinfection of fitting rooms and private roomsThese rooms are disinfected after each use.
  1. 客席配置の変更席間隔の確保、パーテーションの設置、個室の換気強化、
  2. 試食・試飲提供の中止
  1. Change seat layoutWe will create better seat spacing, install partitions, strengthen ventilation in private rooms, and operate side by side seating, etc.
  2. Cancellation of food and beverage tasting events
The preventative measures taken may differ depending on the type of business carried out at each shop/restaurant.
※ 体調がすぐれない場合はご来館をお控えくださいますようお願い申し上げます。
※ ご使用済のマスクを館内で処分される場合は、ビニール袋に入れて縛るなど密閉したうえでゴミ箱にお入れいただくなどのご協力をお願いいたします。